It should be no surprise that I’m fond of trees. I’ve seen and felt their virtue ever since I was a boy. Growing up in Minnesota it was the Paper Birches amidst the evergreen Pines that for me struck wonderment. After moving to the Missouri Valley, it was the Oaks with their magnificent size and structure along with the Dogwoods, ever present in the understory. By the time I got to the Hudson Valley, my passion was for the Sugar Maple, the Ash, and the Hemlock. Sadly now, some of these genera are under attack by invasive species. Presently, our biggest loss is the Ash. In recent years you have heard me rail against the “Emerald Ash Borer” and urge everyone to let us treat any living specimen of that genus. Many of you have responded and we’ve had pretty good success protecting individual Ash. Our work with Birches and Hemlocks is also impressive. They too, need some love as they battle “Birch Borer” and “Woolly Adelgid” respectively.
So, what more can we do to preserve our Green Assets? Here’s a thought; let’s take stock of the important and wonderful trees we have and plan for their future. We know that pruning, fertilizing and/or removing and replacing hazardous trees improves our landscape, raises the value of our Real Estate, and can make our tree garden (back yard) the healthy safe and restful place it ought to be.
For over four decades Mountain Tree Care has been in the vanguard of tree care and has fought for tree preservation. Whether it is pruning, storm damage repair, or the above-mentioned treatments, we have the tools and the expertise to keep your trees thriving. Don’t let tree problems spoil the beauty of your home landscape. Again, our commitment is to provide you with a healthy, safe, and beautiful yard.
Dwight Meyer Bayne, Certified Arborist Member: N.Y.S.A.A. - I.S.A.